Chasing sunsets and waterfalls in Shenandoah

June 07, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Sunset from Hawksbill SummitSunset from Hawksbill SummitA sunset viewed from the summit of Hawksbill Mountain in Shenandoah National Park, featuring a beautiful sky, lush forests, and jagged rocks. Hawksbill summit is the highest point in Shenandoah National Park. The summit of Hawksbill Mountain is the highest point in Shenandoah, with an elevation of 4,050 feet (1,234 meters).

I recently returned to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. It's one of my favorite places and I try to visit often. During my last visit, I climbed to the summit of Hawksbill Mountain. At 4,050 feet (1,234 meters), it's the highest point in Shenandoah and a really great place to shoot a sunset, like the one above.

I also visited South River Falls. There are many waterfalls in Shenandoah. This one isn't the tallest or the most frequently visited, but it is certainly one of the most beautiful. I love the tranquility of the space, enclosed by lush forest. I suspect it would be more frequently visited if the trail were a little less steep and a little less rocky.

Tranquility at South River FallsTranquility at South River FallsSouth River Falls in Shenandoah National Park, featuring the waterfall, a tranquil pool, lush vegetation, and moss covered rocks.

I actually took numerous photos of South River Falls. I really like the angle and composition of the first one, but the second one (below) is also quite nice with the sun peeking through the foliage.

Peeking at South River FallsPeeking at South River FallsThe late afternoon sun peeks through a lush tree canopy on the South River Falls waterfall, moss covered rocks, and a tranquil pool in Shenandoah National Park.

While in Shenandoah, I also stopped by Big Meadows late at night. It was a mostly clear night without any moon. Those are perfect conditions for astrophotography. The following is a photo of the galactic core of the Milky Way stretching above the meadow.

Big Meadows Milky WayBig Meadows Milky WayA starry sky over Big Meadows in Shenandoah National Park, featuring the galactic core of the Milky Way galaxy.


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